Posted in  Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss   on  March 17, 2023 by  Efrhen Gallego0

Have you ever wondered how to lose weight on a vegan diet?
Enjoy a plant-based diet and lose weight. It only requires a little effort and self-control.

Some people claim that going vegan makes it easier to lose weight, especially if you're making a significant shift to your diet and lifestyle. Vegans who follow a plant-based diet switch to whole foods, which are healthier and have fewer calories.

In this article, we cover the advantages and disadvantages of a vegan diet for weight loss, why you can end up putting on weight rather than losing it, and the dos and don'ts of which foods to eat for weight loss on a vegan diet.

You'll learn the information you need to begin a plant-based weight loss diet. 

How to lose weight: Vegan food for weight loss.

Is it easier to lose weight as a vegan?

It depends on the diet you follow. For instance, if you regularly fill up on fatty, high-calorie fast food, switching to a vegan diet will help you achieve your weight loss goals faster.

If you are already vegan, change your vegan meal plan. Eat more nutrient-dense, low-calorie whole foods such as beans and dark leafy greens.

You can eat the best organic, whole foods, but if your servings are too large or you eat between meals, your weight loss efforts will not work. 

Whole food plant-based vegan diet makes it simpler to lose weight than one that includes, for example, sweet protein bars or other processed meals because the majority of the food contained in it is unprocessed, low in calories, and rich in nutrients.

vegetables, fruits, beans are part of a vegan diet

What is a vegan diet?

A vegan diet consists of unprocessed plant-based foods such as whole grains, leafy greens, fresh fruits, and plant protein sources such as beans.
To maximize health benefits, include nutrient-dense foods in your vegan diet.

Nutrient-dense foods include nuts, dark leafy vegetables, and commercial meat and egg substitutes (to a lesser extent). 

This way, it will be easier to stick to a plant-based lifestyle.

Vegans abstain from animal products, including dairy, eggs, and other animal products. That includes all types of meat, fish, and other items derived from the exploitation of animals.

How long does it take to lose weight on a vegan diet? 

It depends on whether you switched from a diet high in animal products, your level of physical activity, your preferred meals, and your portion sizes. Remember that every person has a unique body. While it may take some people several months to lose weight, others may experience results in a few weeks on the same vegan meal plan.

Your age, gender, metabolism, and other factors influence how fast you lose weight. Even though you have no control over these factors, if you increase your exercise and lower your caloric intake, you will see weight loss on a vegan diet.

Can a vegan diet cause weight gain?

Indeed, like with any diet, you may put on weight if your vegan diet is high in fat and carbohydrates. As an illustration, say you love sweet potatoes. They might even be roasted and low in fat. But still, if you ate a whole tray of them often, you would probably put on weight instead of losing it.

Your ability to maintain control is needed at this point. Keep an eye on your food selections and portion sizes. Moreover, every person has a unique body. You might not be aware of dietary intolerance. Food sensitivity might be a factor if you're eating a good vegan diet, exercising, and yet gaining weight.

Why you are not losing weight on a vegan diet? 

 Your vegan diet may not help you lose weight for several reasons. Your dietary habits can be one of the causes. Many often associate the word "vegan" with the word "healthy."

 However, just because something is vegan does not imply that it is a good thing that will help you lose weight. Even some vegan foods as innocent as fruit juice or some vegan smoothies might ruin your weight loss plan.

 Vegan junk food is widely available. Many of these have unhealthy fats and hidden sugars packed with empty calories. Check the food labels when you purchase, and try to stick to whole, low-calorie foods.

 You may be undereating, which could be another problem. I realize that can sound absurd. You should be able to reduce weight by eating less, right? Even while that might be the case, your body still needs a few specific foods in a balanced diet. You may gain weight if you don't eat enough because it can influence your thyroid and metabolism.

Aim to set a daily calorie goal and keep a food log—an excellent way to hold yourself accountable for eating just the right amounts, no more, no less

Portion control is the most frequent cause of weight gain among vegan dieters. Some believe they can eat more because they are making healthier food choices. Weight gain may result from this mindset.

Another problem is taking snacks between meals. Or if you are responsible for preparing the family's meals or your work involves being around the kitchen all day, you end up nibbling and tasting the ingredients and food while you cook.

 Before you know it, you gain weight through out-of-control calorie intake.

Lose weight fast on a vegan diet

How to start a vegan diet for fast fat loss.

Any diet or weight-loss program will require persistence and patience. If you lose a lot of weight fast, it might be from water loss and not actual fat.

While going vegan can hasten your weight loss, it will take time and effort. Start a vegan diet for weight loss by following the recommendations below.

Cut back on your daily calorie intake

Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you take in. You should monitor how many calories you consume each day to achieve this.

The main secret to reducing caloric intake is to eat fewer high-calorie foods.

Consuming high-fat foods or dressings like avocados, olive oil, vegan mayo, and nut butter when trying to lose weight is a common vegan diet mistake. 

These foods provide a lot of calories, despite being healthy when consumed in moderation. Your calorie intake easily skyrockets, pushing you past a calorie deficit.

These foods provide a lot of calories, despite being healthy when consumed in moderation. Your calorie intake easily skyrockets, pushing you past a calorie deficit.

It's not advisable to eat excessive amounts of vegan meals. Make sure you are eating a healthy quantity of each meal and snack. Establish a daily caloric intake and stick to it with no exceptions.

Amount Control

I have emphasized this point numerous times, but it is crucial! It's not advisable to eat excessive amounts of vegan meals. Make sure you are eating a healthy quantity of each meal and snack. Establish a daily caloric intake and stick to it with no exceptions.

Meal Prep helps

Making a strategy for your vegan meal preparation is crucial. It's easier to stay in control and regulate portion sizes when you plan.

Plan your vegan diet for the next day and, even better, for the week ahead. It simply makes your week easier!

You may quickly plan wholesome meals besides keeping track of your daily objectives by using an app like Lasta. You're also less likely to stray from your diet and eat something that won't help you reach your weight reduction goal when you have everything prepared and portioned out. Try keeping a daily food record in addition to preparation to hold yourself accountable.

Read the Labels

Vegan isn't automatically equivalent to healthy or good for those trying to lose weight. Vegan only means "free from animal products."

Even vegan foods can still be processed and include hidden sugars and fats, making it harder to lose weight.

Make sure you carefully review the ingredient list on every product you purchase. Stick to unprocessed, low-calorie, and preferably natural, whole, and organic foods. Avoid vegan junk food like chips, fries, and cookies.

Make sure you carefully review the ingredient list on every product you purchase. Stick to unprocessed, low-calorie, and preferably natural, whole, and organic foods. Avoid vegan junk food like chips, fries, and cookies.

Protein is important

It is challenging to include protein in a vegan diet. However, it is crucial for keeping you satisfied and preventing later snacking or overeating. Make sure your everyday diet contains a sufficient amount of protein. 

Your metabolism may decrease when you are protein-deficient, making it more challenging for you to lose weight.

Reach out

Joining a support group allows you to share food and exercise advice.

Locate an activity partner, and talk about your challenges and accomplishments. While you struggle with the challenges of a weight loss diet, support groups can also help you improve your mental health.

It can be an uphill battle to lose weight, but according to 2016 Trusted Source research, having peer support can make it easier to stick to a plan that includes healthy food and frequent exercise. 

Best seek groups or individuals that understand and align with your vegan lifestyle

You can use all the help you can get, and faith in God can help you reach out to a higher power outside yourself. When you seek God, you come to understand you can rely on a powerful heavenly father, ready to save and support your efforts to better yourself. 

Knowing the almighty God is on your side can help you achieve any lofty weight loss goal. God loves you and wants the best for you.

Keep moving

Exercise makes it easier to achieve a calorie deficit. Exercise regularly but not excessively. You will feel better, be more energetic, have a positive attitude, and lose weight faster. Make exercise part of your daily and weekly weight loss routine.

Exercise makes it easier to achieve a calorie deficit. Exercise regularly but not excessively. You will feel better, be more energetic, have a positive attitude, and lose weight faster. Make exercise part of your daily and weekly weight loss routine.

Foods that can help you burn fat

Not all vegan foods are equal.

Certain foods are low in calories, while others pass through several metabolic processes in your body. Their effect on your hormone levels, hunger, and calorie expenditure varies.

Vegan diets are well-known for their health advantages. A vegan lifestyle also limits animal suffering while protecting the environment.

But being vegan alone won't cause you to lose weight magically. Let's look at some vegan foods that will assist you on your fat-loss journey.

Whole Grains

Some whole grains can help shed pounds.

Oats, brown rice, and quinoa are three prominent examples.

 They are all high in fiber and moderately high in protein, two nutrients that promote satiety.

Leafy greens

Kale, spinach, collards, and Swiss chard are examples of leafy greens.

Leafy greens have low caloric content but are also high in fiber, making them ideal foods for weight loss.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Patty Pan squash plants

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables.

They are filling and great for lowering your overall calorie intake because, like leafy greens, they are low in calories and fiber-rich.

Cruciferous vegetables are the ideal foods if you're trying to lose weight because of their low caloric content versus nutrition density ratio. 


According to several studies, eating food in a soup instead of a solid form causes people to feel fuller faster, consuming a lot fewer calories.

white bean casserole round


Nuts have a lot of good fats, yet they don't cause people to acquire unwanted weight.

They consist of:

  • Almonds
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts
  • Pecans and more

These are among the healthiest snacks you can eat because they often provide you with a balanced diet of protein, fiber, and fats.

Nut consumption can enhance metabolic health and possibly aid in weight loss. But use them sparingly.


6 AVOCADO SLICES An avocado slice order is a perfect companion for any vegan meal. Avocados offer multiple benefits for your health and go along with nearly any meal.

They are a fantastic addition to weight reduction regimens since they are not as calorie-dense as one might imagine considering how much fat they contain and how much water and fiber they also contain. Use with moderation.

In Closing

You must be in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. To maintain calorie expenditure, give your body fewer calories than it requires.

Knowing your maintenance calories—the precise number of calories your body needs to support energy expenditure—is the first step in creating this shortfall.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories is adequate for weight loss.

This calorie deficit would not impact your hunger or energy levels.

The NIH's Body Weight Planner estimates your maintenance calories depending on these factors: weight, sex, age, height, and amount of physical activity.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories is adequate for weight loss.

This calorie deficit would not impact your hunger or energy levels.

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